08 Jul 2019

Why every hotel should have a blog – MappingMaster
Nowadays there is no more property without an internet presence that actively wants to offer overnight accommodations. The reach of the worldwide network is unbeatable. Potential customers are increasingly looking online for hotels, guesthouses or youth hostels that exactly meet their needs. It is difficult to stand out from this flood of information. An option, which worked satisfactorily for many owners, lies in the production of descriptive and informative Blog posts, which are suitable dazzlingly for new customer production.
The Blog as signpost to the own mark
By setting up a website, hoteliers take full control of what information they present and how they present it to the public. The limits lie only in the creativity of the individual. The scope, design and content of the blog texts can be adapted to the corporate vision at will and do not have to comply with external regulations (such as those of the social media). With the right means, this freedom can be extremely profitable.
Professional marketing homemade
A blog should be the first port of call for interested travelers in their planning phase. Landing pages, written with passion and expertise, automatically fulfill the most important SEO aspects. An organized and well thought-out approach is essential when creat

ing a blog, also to get visitors to your website. The personality of the property should be expressed in a charming way, as a blog is an excellent way to stand out from the competition.
The target group of travelers
Tomorrow’s guests are already browsing the web today for all the information they can find about their holidays. Experience has shown that this includes numerous data and facts about accommodation, which can be presented in a clear and interesting way on their own blog. Here a subdivision into different categories helps, which intervene at different stages of the purchase decision, attention win and finally leads to a reservation.
1st category: Information about the location
The local team knows its way around. Locals have valuable insider knowledge that is ideal for a blog entry. Instead of writing about why your own hotel is clearly the best choice in all areas, you should rather write an article about the subtleties of local cuisine and where to taste them. How casually can it be mentioned within the text how central and practical the location of the accommodation is to these places? A link at the end leads directly to the booking. Because if you create added value for your customers with your blog, you will be thrilled and convinced as if by yourself.
2nd category: Answering the most frequently asked questions
As appealing as information about the advantages and peculiarities of regional culture may be, the core of a commercial blog in the hospitality industry remains concrete information about accommodation. Without these, the main task of customer acquisition is difficult to achieve. In addition, most travelers are genuinely interested in what amenities they can expect on holiday. For example an article can offer an overview of the different rooms and list achievements or extras included. All this should be described naturally, colorful, as well as supplemented by many pictures.
After each recommendation the customer must have the possibility to arrive with only one click to the reservation of its desire room. Because these direct bookings on the own homepage prove fast as extraordinarily valuable, as can be read here. So including a direct booking link to a booking engine is of high value. Here is such an example of direct booking link: http://neo.cultbooking.com/CPC/?agentcode=58078&hotelcode=53948&lang=en
If there is an additional Channel Manager with the functions of MappingMaster behind all these processes, the bookings are made completely automatically. The Channel Manager synchronizes and updates all offers to current availability, even on platforms such as Booking.com or Expedia.